Stories from 6th AD Vets
Until now (July 25, 1998), the 6th Armored Division web site has consisted
mostly of excerpts from the official histories. But the official histories
don't convey the experience of the men in the fox holes, gun turrets, artillery
positions, or supply truck driver's seats.
A paragraph in an after-action report might describe an encounter as
"light resistance". However, for the GI targeted by the gunfire or mortar
shell, that "light resistance" might represent the most terrifying event
of his life.
This new section is devoted to first person accounts contributed by
Super Sixers who have graciously granted permission to reproduce their
stories here.
Table of Contents
G. Hudson Wirth, 50th Armd Inf Bn: I was an 18 Year
Old Infantry Replacement
Roy Denman, 9th Armd Inf Bn: My Army Service in
S/Sgt Hubert C. Grimes, Trains Recon: Stories recounted
by son Joe Grimes
Frank Kotoski, 15th Tank Bn: A Brief Battle, A
Long Day
Edward Ewers, 231st Armd Fld Arty: A Damned Yankee
in the 231st AFA
Milton Moncrief, 9th AIB, as told to Jim Moncrief,
Div. G-3: The Experiences of an Infantryman in WW II
Quentin Leathers, 212th Armd Fld Arty: A Brush
Encounter Outside of Kassel with Two Tiger Tanks
Royal Mayon, 128th Armd Ord Bn: Interview with High
School Student Jenny Eues
Cyrus Schockey, Aide to General Grow: Memories
of Grow and Patton
Jim Moncrief, Div G-1: As You Were, Soldier TBD
Dr. Robert Loeffler, 76th Armd Med Bn: Ambushed by 88s TBD
Home Page of the 6th Armored Division Association