Photos, Battery C
Table of Contents
Battalion Roster

A History of the 212th AFA in WWII, cont.

Photos, Service Battery (pages 54 and 55 of original history)

Headquarters Section:

Rear: Capt. Greene, Lt. Mortensen, Wilbur
Center: Dirmeitus, Tracy, Schmidt, Harrison

Battalion Maintenance Section:

Rear: Capt. McDowell
Center: Anderson, Gartrell, Odle
Front: Conway, Ray, Baczewski

Battalion Maintenance Section:

Rear: Heslin, Cannedy, Shipman
Center: Mercer, Greenwood, Wittman
Front: Mr. Glenn, Quadagnito, Dedola

Battery Supply Section:

Oteri, Klemm, LeClair

Ammunition Section:

Standing: Marinaro, Crutchfield, Bearden
Kneeling: Leonard, Nunley

Ammunition Section (cont.):

Standing: Purdom, Shelton,
Kneeling: Papada, Tringale, Moser

Ammunition Section (cont.):

Standing: Byler, Condon
Kneeling: McFeely, Savage, Busch

Ammunition Section (cont.):

A. Silvia, Quail, Lt. McLaughlin, Laing

Mess Section:

Gann, Silva, Silvia, Lipka

Battery Maintenance Section:

Standing: Wancyzk, Cone
Kneeling: Lauro, King, Groncki

Fuel and Lubrication Section:

Rear: Carroll, Kaipio, Worel
Center: Ordog, Sewell, Barker
Front: Kettlewood, Teague, Little



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This page is maintained by Bruce Frederick, EMAIL .
Last updated: August 9, 1997.