A Combat History of Headquarters and Headquarters Battery, Division Artillery 6th Armored Division |
This section of the 6th Armored
Division web site contains the complete text and pictures of the
Battle Book: Combat History of Headquarters and Headquarters Battery,
Division Artillery of the Division Artillery. | |
[Web editor's note: Original scanned by Ute and Ulrich Koch; web pages created by Marian Deeney.
This document was originally published in 1945 as a softbound booklet. I have tried to stay
true to the book's original format as much as possible, while making some changes for web presentation. All
content, except for these web editor notes, is as originally published. M.D. -- 3/2/02]
NOTE: Remove question mark from address below when sending email
This page is maintained by Bruce Frederick, EMAIL.
Last updated: March 5, 2002